LSC - It’s Your Turn to Stand Out from the Crowd
Leadership Shenandoah County inspires, develops, engages and connects diverse leaders to one another, across sectors and experience. The Leadership program increases leaders' knowledge and perspectives on key local and regional issues, and provides an environment for challenging and strategic conversations.
Leadership Shenandoah County participants have included senior level executives, nonprofit executives and staff, entrepreneurs, local government employees, community and education leaders, farmers, young professionals and more.
Leadership Shenandoah County is an eight-month program with the objective to develop the skills of participants so they will be able to provide the leadership necessary to recognize and address business and community needs. Participants will gain an understanding of the complex issues facing Shenandoah County through educational programs, exposure to community leaders and the structures within which they operate, and through discussions and examination of current issues facing the County. Topics include Leadership, Agriculture/Tourism, Local Government, Education, Public Safety, Health Care and Human Services, Economic Development and Business/Industry. Sessions are led by a combination of community leaders, professional facilitators, and specialists in the respective fields.
Building our Future Leaders Together - Become a sponsor of the Leadership ShenCo Program!
DYK? Organizations that have made a strategic investment in employee development,
a Gallup poll finds, are twice as likely to retain their employees.
To develop and foster leadership potential in the community to ensure citizen involvement, community prosperity, and overall community success in Shenandoah County.
To develop the skills of participants so they will be able to provide the leadership necessary to address community needs.
To enhance an understanding of the complex issues facing Shenandoah County through educational programs, exposure to community leaders and the structures they operate within, and through discussions on current issues facing the County.
This is an eight-month program from April through November. Sessions will be held once a month during this timeframe on a Friday and will generally run 8:00-4:30. Lunch and a light breakfast are provided for each session. Topics include Leadership, Agriculture/Tourism, Local Government, Education, Public Safety, Health Care, Business/Industry, Non-Profit Organizations, and the final session involves group presentations from the cohort. Sessions are led by a combination of community leaders, professional facilitators, and specialists in the respective fields.
LSC Advisory Board:
Consists of selected business leaders invited by the Chairperson to have oversight of the program and select the Leadership Shenandoah County participants. Each Director would coordinate and facilitate their respective Session.
The Board consists of the LSC Chairperson Chamber President, Sharon Baroncelli; County Administrator, Evan Vass; SCPS Superintendent Melody Sheppard; and representatives from Industry/Business- Greg Hoover with First Bank; and NonProfit- Katie Furneisen with Shenandoah Alliance for Shelter.
Days typically begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. Attendance is mandatory
Orientation Session and Retreat: April 11, 2025, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Location: Shentel
April 25, 2025
Health Care and Human Needs–An overview of medical care in Shenandoah County including tours of SMH, Dept. of Social Services, clinics, and special care facilities. Discussions will focus on the current health care and human needs issues facing our community.
May 16, 2025
Local Government – An overview of the structure and function of our local government along with discussion of government’s role in addressing local challenges. This class requires independent attendance at a county government meeting prior to the session.
June 6, 2025
Agriculture & Tourism-Discover agricultural resources as they affect Shenandoah County. Accomplished by involvement in touring various farms, facilities and venues relating to agricultural and tourism activities.
July 11, 2025
Non-Profit – We discover Shenandoah County’s non-profits and learn the role these entities serve in commerce and our quality of life.
August 1, 2025
Public Safety – A look at our fire service and law enforcement agencies and how they interact. Includes tours of the RSW Regional Jail, Sheriff’s Department, and County Courthouse.
September 5, 2025
Business/Industry – A look at the diversity of the local business economy including a statistical overview of the county in the Northern end of the County. Includes tours of several area businesses and industries.
October 10, 2025
Business/Industry – A look at the diversity of the local business economy including a statistical overview of the county in the Southern end of the County. Includes tours of several area businesses and industries.
November 14, 2025
Education –A look at the structure and operation of our public and private educational systems. Includes discussion and interaction relating to education’s role in our economic prosperity. This class requires independent attendance at a Shenandoah County School Board meeting prior to the session.
Wednesday, Dec 3, 2025, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Location: TBD
Graduation – A special event honoring those who have completed the Leadership Shenandoah County Program.
Join us in Congratulating the LSC Class of 2024!
Kara Balcerzak, Sustainability Matters; Greg Beam, Town of Mount Jackson; Bryan Byrd, Shentel; Erin Ebersole, City National Bank; Madison Estep, First Bank; Erika Folks, Shentel; Kyle Foltz, Town of Woodstock; Fabiana French, Shenandoah County Public Schools; Jennifer Frye, Town of Mount Jackson; Justin Gray, Town of Woodstock; Taylor Haines, First Bank; Candice Hammond, United Bank; Erica Hepner, Shenandoah County Library; Ashleigh Kimmons, Strasburg Town Council; Robert Poe, II, Strasburg Police Department; Amy Proctor, Clark & Bradshaw, P.C.; Ashley Proctor, Shenandoah Caverns; Barbie Rhodes, Shen-Paco Industries; Sara Richards, Homespire Mortgage; Barbie Riggleman, Town of Mount Jackson; Cody Ross, Seven Bends Health & Aesthetics; Kelly Singleton, George’s Inc.; Becky Stickley, Stickley Strategies; Kim Torres, T-Mobile
LSC CLASS OF 2018 - 1st Leadership Class