Shenandoah County Adult Recovery Court Holds Their First Graduation
Woodstock, VA – The Shenandoah County Adult Recovery Court (SCARC), formerly known as Adult Drug Treatment Court, will hold its first graduation for three participants on Thursday, March 27, 2025.
The SCARC is an intensive diversion program for Shenandoah County residents with a substance-use disorder involved in the judicial system. The program is intended for “high-risk, high-need” individuals, meaning they are at a high risk of recidivism indicated by a prior inability to be successful on probation and other programs, and have a high need for substance-use treatment. The 5-phase program is a minimum of 15 months and involves intense supervision provided by District 11 Probation and Parole with wrap around treatment provided by the Northwestern Community Services Board Recovery Court program. The program is coordinated by Jenna Barsotti of the Northern Shenandoah Valley Substance Use Coalition. The Honorable Kevin C. Black, Circuit Court Judge, presides over the Shenandoah County Adult Recovery Court.
In August 2023, the SCARC held their first docket and four participants began their journey toward a life of recovery. Three of those four participants are now ready to graduate from the program having successfully maintained over a year of sobriety, verified by weekly randomized urine drug screening.
The purpose of the program is to rehabilitate justice involved individuals into contributing and prosperous community members, and each of the three to-be-graduates have demonstrated this through various accomplishments, including: gainful and sustained employment for the first time in their lives, growing a family and bringing a substance free baby into the world, paying child support, aiding ailing parents and grandparents, reinstating suspended driver’s license, obtaining independent housing, filing taxes, and many more successes.
The SCARC team is proud of each individual readying themselves for graduation and cannot wait to see what they will accomplish in their new futures.
The graduation will take place on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 1:00pm in the Circuit Court Building. This event is open to the public, and we invite all community members to attend and join us in celebrating the success of our first three graduating participants, as well as this significant milestone for the Shenandoah County Adult Recovery Court.
The Northern Shenandoah Valley Substance Use Coalition collaborates with community partners to take the lead in identifying and developing effective resources to ensure that the necessary
continuum of care for substance-use and addiction services is available to all members of the community in the greater Winchester, Virginia area. Formed in 2014, the Coalition and its public and private sector partners have worked to compassionately reduce the stigma of addiction, improve access to substance use treatment services and decrease the number of overdoses to combat the opioid epidemic in Virginia.